The Flowers of Magherally

One pleasant summer's morning when all the flowers were springing O
Nature was adorning and the wee birds sweetly singing O
I met my love near Banbridge Town, my charming blue-eyed Sally O
She's the queen of the County Down, the flower of Magherally O
With admiration I did gaze upon this blue-eyed maiden O
Adam wasn't half so much pleased when he met Eve in Eden O
Her skin was like the lily white that grows in yonder valley O
She's my queen and my heart's delight, the flower of Magherally O
Her yellow hair in ringlets clung, her shoes were Spanish leather O
Her bonnet with blue ribbons strung, her scarlet cap and feather O
Like Venus bright she did appear, my charming blue-eyed Sally O
She's the girl that I love dear, the flower of Magherally O
I hope the day will surely come when we'll join hands together O
'Tis then I'll bring my darling home in spite of wind or weather O
And let them all say what they will and let them reel and rally O
For I shall wed the girl I love, the flower of Magherally O
1.Tommy Bhetty's Waltz
2.Yellow Tinker / Lady Montgomery / The Marry Harriers
3.Con Cassidy's / Dusty Millar
4.The Flowers of Magherally
5.Brenda Stubbert's / Breen's / The Red Box
6.Iris Duhun Ramha
7.Jimmy Lyon's / The Teelin / The Red Crow / The Broken Bridge
8.Moll Dubh A' Ghleanna
9.The Wedding Jig / Hiudai Gallagher's March / James Byrne's / Mickey Doherty's / Welcome Home Grainn
10.Mallai Chroch Shli
11.The Emyvale / Ril Gan Ainm / The Three Merry Sisters of Fate