I numb out all the time, all the time
一直以来 我都麻木不堪
I get, get scared of the true colors of the past
So I hide and deny how long this has gone on
所以干脆四处逃遁 无论时间怎样飘散
Putting anything to pieces
Then forgetting about it all
Still numb out all the time, all the time
但我还是一如既往的 麻木 痛苦啊
You know that I wanna feel the rain when it hits me
你知道 当雨打在我脸上的时候 我该是多么欣喜
Wanna see it with a clearer view
I numb out all the time, all the time
I'm sleeping in the day every day again
安于现状的我 固步自封的我
Too safe in my old ways
Looking for the right time to change
伴着前方的愿景 我可以从头开始
I can start over with so much to show for me
Pulling anyone to pieces
Then singing about it all
麻木的心啊 痛苦的人啊
Still numb out all the time, all the time
你可知道 雨是怎样的令我动容
擦亮双眼 静观万物
You know that I wanna feel the rain when it hits me
尽管内心麻木 尽管内心痛苦
Wanna see it with a clearer view
你可知道 那浪花是怎样的令我心潮澎湃
I numb out all the time, all the time
他令我洞悉 那哀伤而美丽的深蓝
You know that I wanna feel the wave when it gets me
Wanna look into the beautiful blue
时过境迁 我自浮沉
I numb out all the time, all the time
星移物换 我自依旧
I'm still standing as the history fades
回首往昔 狼藉遍地 但我心无愧
It shows I've been long before
I'm just looking at the mess that we make, oh