Tell You a little story and it won't take long,
'Bout a lazy farmer who wouldn't hoe his corn.
The reason why I never could tell,
That young man was always well.
He planted his corn in the month of June.
By July it was up to his eyes.
Come September, came a big frost.
And all the young man's corn was lost.
His story, kith, had just begun.
Said: "Young man, have you hoed some corn?"
"Well I tried and I tried, and I tried in vain.
"But I don't believe I raised no grain."
He went down town to his neighbour's door.
Where he had often been before.
Sayin': "Pretty little miss, will you marry me?"
"Little miss what do you say?"
"Why do you come for me to wed?
"You, can't even make your own corn grain.
"Single I am, and will remain.
"A lazy man, I won't maintain."
He turned his back and walked away.
Sayin: "Little miss, you'll rue the day.
"You'll rue the day that you were born.
"For givin' me the devil 'cos I wouldn't hoe corn."
1.When You Say Nothing At All (Live at Louisville Palace/2002)
2.Tiny Broken Heart
3.Down To The River To Pray (Live at Louisville Palace/2002)
4.Let Me Touch You For Awhile
5.Choctaw Hayride
6.The Lucky One
7.Baby Now That I've Found You (Live at Louisville Palace/2002)
8.Bright Sunny South
9.Every Time You Say Goodbye
10.Cluck Old Hen
11.Stay (Live at Louisville Palace/2002)
12.Broadway (Live at Louisville Palace/2002)
13.Ghost In This House (Live at Louisville Palace/2002)
14.Forget About It (Live at Louisville Palace/2002)
15.Faraway Land (Live at Louisville Palace/2002)
16.A Tribute to Peador O'Donnell/Monkey Let The Hogs Out (Live at Louisville Palace/2002)
17.The Boy Who Wouldn't Hoe Corn
18.Take Me For Longing
19.I Am A Man Of Constant Sorrow (Live at Louisville Palace/2002)
20.Maybe (Live at Louisville Palace/2002)
21.We Hide & Seek (Live at Louisville Palace/2002)
22.But You Know I Love You (Live at Louisville Palace/2002)
23.New Favorite
24.Oh Atlanta (Live at Louisville Palace/2002)
25.There Is A Reason