What's in It for Me

What's in it for me
What's in it for me
我来这里只为找点乐子 你却叫我滚开
I came here for a good time and you're telling me to leave
但你也不必一再强调 你说第一次我就听到了
But you don't have to say it again, i heard you the first time
We're counting on you
好吧 我喜欢回忆当时的情景
We're counting on you
当时我们正在兴头上 我们同样自得其乐
Well i like to remember it like that
When we had one in the hand, that was one in the hand
所以你也不必一再强调 你说第一次我就听到了
But you never come over any more
So you don't have to say it again, I heard you the first time
1.The Rat
2.Little House of Savages
3.What's in It for Me
4.Hang on Siobhan
5.No Christmas While I'm Talking
6.My Old Man
7.138th Street
8.The North Pole
9.New Year's Eve
10.Bows + Arrows
11.Thinking of a Dream I Had