Spending all my nights,
All my money going out on the town
Doing anything just to get you off of my mind
用尽了方法 想要忘记你
But when the morning comes,
I'm right back where I started again
Trying to forget you is just a waste of time
想要忘记你 只是在浪费时间
Baby come back, any kind of fool could see
宝贝,回来吧 再愚蠢的人也看得出来
There was something in everything about you
我的脑海里 到处都是你的身影
Baby come back, you can blame it all on me
宝贝,回来吧 妳可以将一切怪罪于我
I was wrong, and I just can't live without you
我错了 我就是不能没有你
All day long, wearing a mask of false bravado
一整天 带着虚张声势的假面具
Trying to keep up the smile that hides a tear
试着保持笑容 隐藏泪水
But as the sun goes down, I get that empty feeling again
但是当日落西下 我又再次的感到空虚
How I wish to God that you were here
多么希望老天 能使你身在此处
Baby come back, any kind of fool could see
宝贝,回来吧 再愚蠢的人也看得出来
There was something in everything about you
我的脑海里 到处都是你的身影
Baby come back, you can blame it all on me
宝贝,回来吧 你可以将一切怪罪于我
I was wrong, and I just can't live without you
我错了 我就是不能没有你
Now that I put it all together
Give me the chance to make you see
Have you used up all the love in your heart
你是否已用尽 你心中所有的爱
Nothing left for me, ain't there nothing left for me
什么也没留给我 一点也没留给我
Baby come back, any kind of fool could see
宝贝,回来吧 再愚蠢的人也看得出来
There was something in everything about you
我的脑海里 到处都是你的身影
Baby come back, you can blame it all on me
宝贝,回来吧 听着,你可以将一切怪罪于我
I was wrong, and I just can't live without you
我错了 我就是不能没有你
1.Baby Come Back
2.Sad Eyes
3.Escape (The Pina Colada Song)
4.Baby I'm-A Want You
5.Just When I Needed You Most
6.If You Leave Me Now
7.I'd Really Love To See You Tonight
8.Kiss You All Over
9.Laughter In The Rain
10.Let Your Love Flow
12.Don't Give Up On Us