I know that no one knows what we're singing in English
『我知道 没人知道 我用英语唱的什么』
And it become a bit faster,watch your step
If you feel sick of this song,it's far bettar to skip right now
I'm sure that next one's not too loud like this one so don't worry
『我能肯定下一个绝对和它不同 所以放心』
Oh your stereo or iPod is running on their random-play
『哦 你的音响或iPod正在随机播放』
It's so funny if I'm The Seeker comes after skip
『这是如此有趣,如果我是探索者 开始之后跳过』
Now my throat burns from screaming
『现在 我的喉咙燃烧着尖叫』
Let's dance to the music
One more day before you go
『这一天 在你离开之前』
One more night everybody dance it all away
Swinging arms,jumping bodies
Don't step even if lights out
『继续迈步 哪怕灯灭了』
One more day before you go
『这一天 在你离开之前』
One more night everybody dance it al away
Swinging arms, jumping bodies
Don't stop even if lights out
『不要停下 哪怕灯灭了』
This song is a cover of the famous "Is She U.N Owen?"
『这首歌的专辑是著名的"Is She U.N Owen?"』
I was strongly impressed when
I listen to the covers byCOOL&CREATE, Silver Forest, SYNC.ART'S or the SOUND HOLIC
『当我在COOL&CREATE, Silver Forest, SYNC.ART'S or the SOUND HOLIC 听到它』
But it's hard to rearrange cause its melody's so complex
『但是改编它很困难 因为他的旋律是那么复杂』
One more day before you go
『这一天 在你离开之前』
One more night everybody dance ito away
Swinging arms, jumping bodies
Don't stop even if lights out
『不要停下 哪怕灯灭了』
I wrote this song in hurry
I know this lyric is funny
I wish at least one of you like this song
That's all
1.Truths, Ironies, The Secret Lyrics