For her I would steal the shadow
为她 我愿堕入黑暗
For her I would step into the grave
为她 我愿迈入坟茔
Until my line is severed
直到 生命戛然而止
Until my skin turns gray
直到 肌肤灰暗无光
Until my vessels die
直到 血流停滞枯竭
And the memory is stained
直到 记忆沾染污渍
For her I would play in the traffic
为她 我愿人流起舞
For her I would leap into the flame
为她 我愿跃入烈火
But still I don't posses her
但我 仍未能拥有她
But still I can't can't take
但我 仍未能占有她
The weakness that I feel at
每当 提及她的名字
The mension of her name
一种 软弱油然而生
For her I would grow feathers
为她 我愿生出羽翼
For her I would still be there when the sky goes grey
为她 我愿驻足于此 直至天色灰暗
But still I can't forget her and still
但我 仍未能忘却她
I can't contain the terror that
每当 提及她的名字
I feel at the mention of her name
一种 恐惧难以抑制
For her for her for her for her for her for her for her
为她 为她 为她 为她 为她 都是为她 只是为她
For her for her for her song
为她 都是为她 只是为她
2.Brittle Heart
3.Crash About to Happen
4.I Count the Times
5.The Exiles
6.This Must Be Where It Ends
8.In the House of Numbers
9.Thin Men Dancing