Bad Guys

This song is for those bad guys这首歌送给那些
who have no sense of responsibility毫无责任感的人
If you don't like that girl just get away from her如果你不是真心的请你离她远一点
Don't make me mad不要把我惹火了
F off! 走开!
You don't deserve anything good对不起这美好的世界
Just get away from this world快点远离这个世界吧
This song is for those bad guys这首歌送给那些
who have no sense of responsibility毫无责任感的人
If you don't like that girl just get away from her如果你不是真心的请你离她远一点
Don't make me mad不要把我惹火了
F off! 走开!
I tell you what?我说了什么来着?
Don't get in my way别当道
1.Bad Guys