Night Bird Ex.「夜雀の歌声 ~ Night Bird」

When she sang a bad song in the sky,
曾经 她在空中唱响一支生涩的歌曲
stolen my heart like a lover
I hate myself at the night
当晚 我多么痛恨我自己
Crazy night,it was truly crazy under a curse
狂乱之夜 确实就像是被诅咒般狂野
Through the night,I wanted singing voice
横贯天空 我想要放声高歌
She is just my“Night Bird”
I just find the tender curse just like a poison
我找到了 好像毒药一般的温情咒语
i don't wanna lose my mind,she makes me insane
但并不想就这样失去理智 她竟让我如此疯狂
there's no way to escape,I have to be blinded
无路可逃 我只能装作看不见
Voices crucify my heart,I'm just a loser
旋律无情地折磨我心 真是失败啊
I just find the sweetest curse just like a prison
我找到了 好像囚牢一般的甜蜜咒语
I cannot get back my mind,forever insane
从此再也控制不住自己 永远地堕落下去
There's no sunshine for me carse I'm in the dark night
四周毫无光亮 只因身在黑夜
Why did I want such a voice? But time is just on my back
为何我始终离不开这个声音呢? 时间却悄悄流逝
Now I'm a foolish silly prisoner,
无论是起床还是睡下 心灵终不得光明
getting up and laying down heart without the light of sun
失明的双眼 再也无法收束阳光
blinded eyes,i can't get back sunshine anymore
Through the life,
自始至终 都处于失明当中
I'm blind through my life
She is just my “Night Bird”
我找到了 好像毒药一般的温情咒语
I just find the tender curse just like a poison
但并不想就这样失去理智 她竟让我如此疯狂
I don't wanna lose my mind,she makes me insane
无路可逃 我只能装作看不见
there's no way to escape,I have to be blinded
旋律无情地折磨我心 真是失败啊
Voices crucify my heart,I'm just a loser
我找到了 好像囚牢一般的甜蜜咒语
I just find the sweetest curse just like a prison
从此再也控制不住自己 永远地堕落下去
I cannot get back my mind,forever insane
四周毫无光亮 只因身在黑夜
There's no sunshine for me carse I'm in the dark night
为何我始终离不开这个声音呢? 时间却悄悄流逝
Why did I want such a voice? But time is just on my back
为何今夜 我无法看到幻觉
为何今夜 我却找不到自己的路
Why can't I see insanity tonight?
那是由于 夜莺正在附近 对你施加着咒语
Why can't I find my own way tonight?
因而我完全迷失了方向 再也无法回头
It's caused of that Night Bird is here with a curse
为何今夜 我无法看到幻觉
I lost my way to let me go back
为何今夜 我却找不到自己的路
Why can't I see insanity tonight?
那是由于 夜莺正在附近 对你施加着咒语
Why can't I find my own way tonight?
It's caused of that Night Bird is here with a curse
我找到了 好像毒药一般的温情咒语
I lost my way behind
但并不想就这样失去理智 她竟让我如此疯狂
无路可逃 我只能装作看不见
I just find the tender curse just like a poison
旋律无情地折磨我心 真是失败啊
i don't wanna lose my mind,she makes me insane
我找到了 好像囚牢一般的甜蜜咒语
there's no way to escape,I have to be blinded
从此再也控制不住自己 永远地堕落下去
Voices crucify my heart,I'm just a loser
四周毫无光亮 只因身在黑夜
I just find the sweetest curse just like a prison
为何我始终离不开这个声音呢? 时间却悄悄流逝
I cannot get back my mind,forever insane
There's no sunshine for me carse I'm in the dark night
Why did I want such a voice? But time is just on my back
1.The World is All my loving
2.The Eastern Night「永夜抄 ~ Eastern Night.」
3.Night Bird Ex.「夜雀の歌声 ~ Night Bird」
4.Forever Escape「千年幻想郷 ~ History of the Moon」
6.Aura Ole 「幻视の夜 ~ Ghostly Eyes」
7.闪光カタストロフ 「恋色マスタースパーク」
8.FIRE FLOWER「月まで届け、不死の烟」
9.蓬莱哀歌 「竹取飞翔 ~ Lunatic Princess」
10.Moon Light, True Heart 「懐かしき东方の血 ~ Old World」
11.永久の愿い「Eternal Dream ~ 幽玄の槭树」