一个低泣男人的哭声 透着一股难以名状的美
There is a beauty in the distant sound of a weeping man.
There's wonder in your child's eyes, or maybe your future child's eyes.
很多东西只是曾经拥有 但不要忘记
And many things you may remember that you had, that you lost,
也许它们从你指间溜走 只是为了让你更加珍惜
That you let slip through your fingers, so cherish them all
你是穷人 难民 血腥的受害者
You are the poor, the refugee, the bloody victim.
但你的力量 会让你战士 胜利者
You are the power, the winner and the fighter.
呼吸 你很幸运
Breathe in, you're lucky to
因为那些美的回忆已经是过去了 而现在把握现在 未来无限可能
Be the beauty, the memory, the past, the past, the present and the future, be infinite.
认真做某件事 并相信你会成功 你会发现你可以改变很多东西
Do something, say something, believe in something, but most of all, know you can change things.
对 就是你 你还在等什么? 不要害怕改变 现在正是时候。
Yes, you. What are you waiting for? Do not be fearful of evolution, the time is now!