Fear From Death

Here’s the first of the anger and shout
Gaining volume, speed and doubt
Up in the clouds
Power cuts and smothered love
Pushing past the pretend fun
We’re all alone
Turn away, don’t raise your eyes to us
Think of dead trees, think of dark seas
Your broken neck should make this hard for us
We always helped you and took your word true
It’s the boat that missed its chance
In the thundering at last
We’ll move along
Turn away, don’t raise your eyes to us
Think of dead trees, think of dark seas
Your broken neck should make this hard for us
We always helped you and took your word true
1.The Smoke Saves Lives
3.Like She Said
4.Fear From Death
5.Fake Handshakes, Earnest Smiles
6.You're Alone Tonight
7.Dead Waves
8.Each Life Critical
9.Designed for Damage
10.No-one Is Angry, Just Afraid
11.Guns and Knives
12.Strangest Words and Pictures