丑时 二维 乙未篇

Have turned right
Then I'll go back
I know I can go forward
Even walk across the line
Cause I am free
So that I can make a choice
I also know that before I go
Might well stay a little while
Yes I am free
So that I can make a choice
But I found that no matter where I go
I can not go out of this surface
But I found that no matter where I go
I can not leave this surface
1.子时 孑影舞
2.卯时 早鸟
3.戌时 人约黄昏后
4.寅时 稚儿笑
5.亥时 闭上眼望星
6.酉时 废柴
7.丑时 二维 乙未篇