Amy she lives down the street
And her husband left her just last week.
She feels like giving up,
But she's holding on to hope.
John lost his job six months ago.
He's got a wife, three kids at home.
Doesn't know what to do,
He's praying for a breakthrough.
Some wanna raise a fist up high,
Blame all the hard things on the Father in the sky,
But He hears when we call.
We can trust him through it all.
He's the God of every story,
He sees each tear that falls.
We may not understand but one thing is certain.
He is faithful, He's a faithful God.
Jordan's had a lifetime of heart days
And all the pills won't take the pain away,
But before he hits the ground
He see Mercy reaching down.
He's the God of every story,
He sees each tear that falls.
We may not understand but one thing is certain.
He is faithful, He's a faithful God.
His ways are holier
Than we could ever comprehend.
When our world is shaken,
He holds us in the palm of His hand.
And Martin is thankful he's alive;
The doctors said he might not survive.
That was seven years ago...
What a miracle.
And now there's this new baby girl
And with one breath she's changed our whole world.
Some say she looks like dad,
But she looks like grace to me.
Your grace to me.
You're the God of every story,
You see each tear that falls.
We may not understand but one thing is certain.
You are faithful, You are faithful.
You're the God of every story,
No matter what I'm going through.
I may not understand,
You are God and I am just a man.
Yeah I'm forever trusting in Your plan.
One thing is certain
You are faithful, You're faithful God.
2.He Will Not Let Go
3.O Love of God
4.There Is a Kingdom
5.I Can Just Be Me
6.Who Is Like Our God
7.Who But Jesus
8.Keeper of the Stars
10.God of Every Story
11.You Gave Your Life