In the middle of the night
午夜时分 无法入眠
Tossing left and right
左右来回 辗转反侧
I don't know how you're sleeping
无法知你 睡得如何
Has the world gone insane?
这个世界 疯狂错乱
I wish that I could change
希望我还 能够改变
My thoughts, these fears I'm feeling
我的想法 我的恐惧
Even though my head is spinning
即使感到 天旋地转
Even though my heart is crying
即使我心 正在哭泣
You're the one that keeps me hanging on
仍能让我 坚持下去
离开你像 失去氧气
'Cause I can't breathe without oxygen
你是我的 生之支柱
Baby you're my life support
虽然痛苦 很难避免
Though it's so hard to ignore the pain
你曾说过 什么值得
You show me what's worth fighting for
去争取来 疯狂世间
Oh, how this world is a crazy place
是你的爱 在我失落
And your love, it keeps me safe
无力之时 保全了我
When I feel like I'm falling
你就是我 精神支柱
Baby you're, baby you're my life support
你就是我 生活鼓励
Baby you're my life support
你就是我 生命支撑
Baby you're, baby you're my life support
你就是我 生活动力
Baby you're my life support
你所见的 美丽事物
对于我皆 无形之物
The beauty that you see
所知一切 皆已破碎
Invisible to me
你告诉我 一切原样
All that I know is breaking
让我聚焦 于那光芒
But you show me what it's like
和平世界 已经到来
To focus on the light
我的感觉 天旋地转
I feel some peace beginning
我的内心 痛不欲生
Even though my head is spinning
你能让我 继续活着
Even though my heart is crying
没有了你 如失氧气
You're the one that keeps me hanging on
你就是我 精神脊梁
避免痛苦 十分艰难
'Cause I can't breathe without oxygen
你告诉我 什么值得
Baby you're my life support
值得争取 在这世界
Though it's so hard to ignore the pain
疯狂之世 是你的爱
You show me what's worth fighting for
在堕落时 拯救了我
Oh, how this world is a crazy place
你就是我 精神鼓励
And your love, it keeps me safe
我堕落时 你救下我
When I feel like I'm falling
你就是我 生活动力
Baby you're, baby you're my life support
When I feel like I'm falling
Baby you're, baby you're my life support
1.Life Support