就让那闪电 带我离开
Wrap me in a bolt of lightning
送我最后一程 别再惋惜
Send me on my way still smiling
大概这才是 属于我的路
Maybe that's the way I should go,
不惧未知 也无视非议
Straight into the mouth of the unknown
你的钥匙 我已留在了桌上
I left the spare key on the table
反正我也 不可能在此停留
Never really thought I'd be able to say
说偶尔见见 也是安慰
I merely visit on the weekends
离开了你 离开整个世界
I lost my whole life and a dear friend
I've said it so many times
呵 忘记吧
I would change my ways
No, nevermind
你怨恨我也罢 缅怀我也行
God knows I've tried
跟我了断吧 我依旧会继续爱你
你爱我也罢 诅咒我也行
Call me a sinner, call me a saint
让它结束吧 这样才能让你安稳
Tell me it's over I'll still love you the same
Call me your favorite, call me the worst
看 我又该上路了
Tell me it's over I don't wan't you to hurt
是你让我 修补好自己
It's all that I can say.
但这世间 没有永恒不变
So, I'll be on my way
我必须看清 你是不属于我的
所以逼自己 对你说再也不见
I finally put it all together,
这旅行箱 才装的下我的生活
But nothing really lasts forever
无法停留 我不配有归宿
I had to make a choice that was not mine,
所以 就让我离开吧
I had to say goodbye for the last time
你知道 我一生都在流浪
I kept my whole life in suitcase,
Never really stayed in one place
Maybe that's the way it should be,
罢了 别在意
You know I live my life like a gypsy
你咒骂我吧 缅怀我也行
I've said it so many times
放弃我吧 我也依旧是爱你的
I would change my ways
爱我也罢 恨我也好
No, nevermind
忘记我吧 这样你就不必悲伤
God knows I've tried
看 我该上路了
Call me a sinner, call me a saint
Tell me it's over I'll still love you the same
Call me your favorite, call me the worst
是你让我 想要不在流浪
Tell me it's over I don't wan't you to hurt
我是圣人还是骗子 你不要在追问
It's all that I can say.
放手吧 反正我爱你不会改变
So, I'll be on my way
与其怨恨或者留恋 不如就此把我忘记
放手吧 我不想你再为我悲伤
I'll always keep you inside,
You healed my heart and my life...
看 我又上路了
And you know I try.
看 我独自一人
看 这是我的路
Call me a sinner, call me a saint
Tell me it's over I'll still love you the same
Call me your favorite, call me the worst
Tell me it's over I don't wan't you to hurt
It's all that I can say.
So, I'll be on my way
So, I'll be on my way
I'll be on my way
1.Sound of Madness
2.Call Me
3.Second Chance
5.What a Shame
6.If You Only Knew
7.Breaking Inside
8.The Crow & the Butterfly