Of horses wet with melted ice
由于那马儿的汗水 由于那融化的冰
They would not heed my advice
他们不会留意 我的意见
也不会留意 超载的肢体
And burdened limbs of its weight
它的重量 使那被低声传颂的命运 被打破 被腐烂
恳求你 医生 我恳求你
To break and rot a whispered fate
在我的周围 在血腥的海洋
打破蜂房 用烟呛蜜蜂
Please doctor, please
你可以是我的朋友 你可以是我的狗
你可以是我的生命 你可以是我的烟雾
Around me, in a bloody sea
恳求你 医生 我恳求你
To breach the hive and smoke the bees
我会感觉到太阳 我会感觉到太阳
You can be my friend you can be my dog
希望 我能有 一颗马儿的头
一颗老虎的心 一张苹果床
You can be my life, you can be my fog
Please doctor, please
The witches will return to their sticky tree knots
I will feel the sun, I will feel the sun
I will feel the sun coming down
I wish I had a horse's head
A tiger's heart, an apple bed
1.It's A Wonderful Life
3.Sea Of Teeth
4.Gold Day
5.Apple Bed
6.Little Fat Baby
7.Piano Fire
8.More Yellow Birds
9.King Of Nails
10.Comfort Me
11.Babies On The Sun/Morning Hollow
12.Dog Door