We found each other blown between the trees
我们在树丛间 发现在风中摇晃的彼此
下沉的月亮 渴求海洋的吞噬
Waning moons wanting to be swallowed by the sea
就像我们终于看清了 万物的颜色
Like we finally saw the colors of the world
我们在杂草间 养育着花园里的青蛇
舒展着四肢 躺在平坦的后街
We grew the garden snake within the ****s
就像我们终于看清了 万物的颜色
我们感受着 西斜的太阳 将我们留在大地上
Laid each other long across a flat backstreet
小小的嘴唇 在远离胸口的位置落下
Like we finally saw the colors of the world
就像我们终于看清了 万物的颜色
我们将白旗 环在高高的桅杆上
We felt the sun leave us for the west
像在草地上陷入梦境的寡妇 皱起身体
Little lips always folding farther from the breast
就像我们终于看清了 万物的颜色
Like we finally saw the colors of the world
就想我们看清了暗的黑 和静的蓝
We ran a white flag up the mast
你将填满了冰雪的枕头 敷在我的瘀伤上
Puckered up like a widow dreaming in the grass
Like we finally saw the colors of the world
就像我们看见 生命的绿
Like we saw black
Like we saw black and blue
You pressed a pillow full of snow on my bruise
我找到了你 因为这暗红色的夜晚寂寞地蜷曲
Like we saw black
Like we saw God green too
You saw it awful but it's over too soon
爱着孤独 那你便试着爱我吧
Like we saw black
引导对方 穿过森林 独自漫步回巢
Running around red ripe vines
就像我们终于看清了 万物的颜色
I find you in the folds lonely of red night
Like we saw black
就像我们终于看清了 万物的颜色
Lying in golden white
Love lonely so you tried to love me alright
We threw our money to the river stones
Led each other through the woods to wander back alone
Like we finally saw the colors of the world
We let the taste linger in the mouth
South Chicago never gave us more to sing about
Like we finally saw the colors of the world