Girl inform me all my senses warn me
Your clever eyes could easily disguise
Some backwards purpose
It's enough to make me nervous
Do you harbor sighs or spit in my eye
But your lips when we speak
Are the valleys and peaks of a mountain range on fire
So let me walk these coals till you believe
I can cut the mustard well enough
Cause you know as soon as breathe we scrutinize
Unknown quotients you must be using potions
How else could you tie my head to the sky
This new convection has left me wondering why
I can't concern myself with ordinary tripe
Like what's this morning's paper got to say
And which brand of coffee to make
This is no umbrella to take into the wind
And before we begin is there nothing to kill this anxiety
But your lips when we speak
Are the valleys and peaks of a mountain range on fire
So let me walk these coals till you believe
I can cut the mustard well enough
Cause you know as soon as breathe we scrutinize
The paint away
1.New Slang
2.Caring Is Creepy
3.One by One All Day
4.Weird Divide
5.Know Your Onion!
6.Girl Inform Me
7.The Celibate Life
8.Girl on the Wing
9.Your Algebra
10.Pressed In A Book
11.The Past And Pending