Me Encuentro en Tu Desierto (Sahara)

truth is in your eyes
embrace the emptiness in me
am i thirsty for your company
beyond the desert with sahara
risk is my life
when my car breaks down
lost in the dume
a hundred miles from town
the sun beams down
taking it's toll
i light a fire
pray that someone see the smoke
holding unto hope
something deep inside me can't say no (sahara)
tanto asi me day
me encuentro en tu desierto hoy
ya no te eh podido atravesar
muchos lo estan tratando sahara
beyond the drout, beyond the floods
beyond the mountains in the world
beyond the roads, beyond the wall
i am driven to your door
beyond the fruits of temptation
beyond the roads that i have gone
the only endless thing i see is
i am reaching for your hand
i will be your faith
am i following your cause
leaving loneliness behind this wall
beyond the desert with sahara
hoy conmigo esta
ojo que mata al mirar
no arde en medio, quiero contigo hay
estoy abocu sahara, sahara
this faith is everything
the only willingness i see
there's a caravan that waits for me
beyond the desert with sahara, sahara
english translation
truth is in your eyes
embrace the emptiness in me
am i thirsty for you company
beyond the desert with sahara
risk is my life
when my car breaks down
lost in the dume
a hundred miles from town
the sun beams down
taking it's toll
i light a fire
pray that someone see the smoke
holding unto hope
something deep inside me can't say no (sahara)
it gives me so much
my encounter in your desert today
i have not been able to cross you
many are attempting it, sahara
beyond the drout, beyond the floods
beyond the mountains in the world
beyond the roads, beyond the wall
i am driven to your door
beyond the fruits of temptation
beyond the roads that i have gone
the only endless thing i see is
i am reaching for your hand
i will be your faith
i am following your cause
leaving your loneliness behind this wall
beyond the desert with sahara
it is with me today
eye that kills as it sees
i do not burn in fear, i want to be with you
i am coming sahara, sahara
2.Salam, la Paz Al Final
3.Vengan, Vengan (Ya Habaybi, Ya Ghaybine)
5.Somos Gitanos
6.Azima Leyla
7.Loli, Lolita, Lola (Rikdi)
8.Santa Maria
9.Me Encuentro en Tu Desierto (Sahara)
10.Ya Mama, Tu M'As Tant Donne
11.Lolole (Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood)