I've been riding high on the feelings since I let you go
快乐的时光 劲爆的舞曲
Happy days and disco infernal on the radio
在这周六晚上 快让音乐响起
So come on we belong cause the music is right
就像我说的那样 忘记你让我重新找回了自我
So come on play the song cause it's Saturday night
尽情舞动吧 节奏不要停 我已越来越嗨
I said forgetting you has helped me to remember how I used to club
纵情摇摆吧 让激情从灵魂深处迸发
尽情舞动吧 不要停 一起渐入佳境
Gotta hop don't stop the music is time on a roll
纵情摇摆吧 迸发吧 让我们一起摇摆到天亮
你不停说着你想我 我们再重新开始吧
Gotta hop and pop the feeling is cause I'm in soul
Gotta hop no stop gotta enter the light
迫不及待夜晚的到来 我知道我有点过火了
Gotta hop and pop we're all through the night and rolled
You keep saying baby I miss you we have to try
尽情舞动吧 节奏不要停 我已越来越嗨
纵情摇摆吧 让激情从灵魂深处迸发
I keep saying maybe tomorrow but it's all a lie
尽情舞动吧 不要停 一起渐入佳境
纵情摇摆吧 迸发吧 让我们一起摇摆到天亮
Cause I'm great I feel fine it's a beautiful time
尽情舞动吧 节奏不要停 我已越来越嗨
I can't wait for the night and I know it's a crime
纵情摇摆吧 让激情从灵魂深处迸发
But maybe now that you are gone
尽情舞动吧 不要停 一起渐入佳境
I'm getting ready for the time of my life
纵情摇摆吧 迸发吧 让我们一起摇摆到天亮
尽情舞动吧 节奏不要停 我已越来越嗨
Gotta hop don't stop the music is time on a roll
纵情摇摆吧 让激情从灵魂深处迸发
尽情舞动吧 节奏不要停 我已越来越嗨
Gotta hop and pop the feeling is cause I'm in soul
纵情摇摆吧 让激情从灵魂深处迸发
尽情舞动吧 节奏不要停 我已越来越嗨
Gotta hop no stop gotta enter the light
纵情摇摆吧 让激情从灵魂深处迸发
Gotta hop and pop we're all through the night
尽情舞动吧 不要停 一起渐入佳境
Gotta hop don't stop the music is time on a roll
纵情摇摆吧 迸发吧 让我们一起摇摆到天亮
尽情舞动吧 节奏不要停 我已越来越嗨
Gotta hop and pop the feeling is cause I'm in soul
纵情摇摆吧 让激情从灵魂深处迸发
尽情舞动吧 不要停 一起渐入佳境
Gotta hop no stop gotta enter the light
纵情摇摆吧 迸发吧 让我们一起摇摆到天亮
Gotta hop and pop we're all through the night and rolled
Gotta hop don't stop the music is time on a roll
Gotta hop and pop the feeling is cause I'm in soul
Gotta hop don't stop the music is time on a roll
Gotta hop and pop the feeling is cause I'm in soul
Gotta hop don't stop the music is time on a roll
Gotta hop and pop the feeling is cause I'm in soul
Gotta hop no stop gotta enter the light
Gotta hop and pop we're all through the night
Gotta hop don't stop the music is time on a roll
Gotta hop and pop the feeling is cause I'm in soul
Gotta hop no stop gotta enter the light
Gotta hop and pop we're all through the night and rolled
1.Me and You
2.Hey Girl
4.The Lucky Twice Song
5.Hop Non Stop
6.This Song
8.Shake Like a Freak
9.Speedy Gonzales
10.Midnight Crying
11.Big Bad Boys
12.No Friend of Mine