Paradise (Album Version)

(*) เปรียบดังสวรรค์ ได้มอบของขวัญ
Priap dung sawan dai maup kaung kwun
It’s like Heaven has bestowed upon me a gift
Tee mai koey fun wah ja mee suk wun tee dai yoo gup tur
That I never dreamed I’d ever have a day to spend with you
สุขใจแค่ไหน อุ่นใจแค่ไหน
Sook jai kae nai oon jai kae nai
How happy, how comfortable I am
เมื่อเวลานี้ฉันมีเธอ ฉันมีเธอ
Meua welah nee chun mee tur chun mee tur
When at this moment, I have you, I have you
เธอเดินอยู่ข้างเคียง ไม่มีวันไปจากเธอ
Tur dern yoo kahng kiang mai mee wun pai jahk tur
You’re walking at my side, I’ll never leave you
Ja mee gee kon tee tum hai fun meuan kwahm jing
How many other people will make my dreams seem like reality?
Ja mee gee kon tee pah pob sing tee dtahm hah
How many other people will lead me to find the things I’ve been searching for?
Ja mee gee kon tee koy gahng rom meua fon mah
How many other people will open an umbrella for me when it rains
Tah krai kon nun mai chai tur
If that person isn’t you?
(**) ภาพดีๆที่เธอให้ฉันแม้ตอนหลับตา
Pahp dee dee tee tur hai chun mae dtaun lup dtah
The good visions that you gave me, even when I close me eyes
ยิ่งทำให้ฉันมั่นใจ ให้ฉันเข้าใจว่าเธอ
Ying tum hai chun mun jai hai chun kao jai wah tur
The more they make me positive, make me understand that it’s you
Ja mee gee wun tee dtaung ton ngao kahng nah dtahng
How many days would I have to endure the loneliness beside my window?
Ja mee gee tahng tee dtaung pob pahn gup punhah
How many ways would I have had to get through problems?
Ja mee gee krung tee wun yoot meuan mai mee kah
How many times would the days stop like they were worthless
Tah nai wun nun mai pob tur
If I didn’t meet you that day
ขอบคุณสวรรค์ ที่ให้ของขวัญ
Kaup koon sawan tee hai kaung kwun
Thank you, heaven, for giving me this gift
1.Paradise (Album Version)