Ma mere l'oye (Mother Goose) (version for orchestra):Le Jardin feerique

1.Pictures at an Exhibition (arr. M. Ravel for orchestra):Promenade
2.Pictures at an Exhibition (arr. M. Ravel for orchestra):I. Gnomus
3.Pictures at an Exhibition (arr. M. Ravel for orchestra):Promenade
4.Pictures at an Exhibition (arr. M. Ravel for orchestra):II. Il vecchio castello
5.Pictures at an Exhibition (arr. M. Ravel for orchestra):Promenade
6.Pictures at an Exhibition (arr. M. Ravel for orchestra):III. Tuileries
7.Pictures at an Exhibition (arr. M. Ravel for orchestra):IV. Bydlo
8.Pictures at an Exhibition (arr. M. Ravel for orchestra):Promenade
9.Pictures at an Exhibition (arr. M. Ravel for orchestra):V. Ballet of the Chickens in their Shells
10.Pictures at an Exhibition (arr. M. Ravel for orchestra):VI. Two Polish Jews, one rich, one poo
11.Pictures at an Exhibition (arr. M. Ravel for orchestra):VII. Limoges - The Market Place
12.Pictures at an Exhibition (arr. M. Ravel for orchestra):VII. Catacombae
13.Pictures at an Exhibition (arr. M. Ravel for orchestra):Cum mortuis in lingua mortua
14.Pictures at an Exhibition (arr. M. Ravel for orchestra):IX. The Hut on Fowls' Legs
15.Pictures at an Exhibition (arr. M. Ravel for orchestra):X. The Great Gate of Kiev
16.Rapsodie espagnole*:Prelude a la nuit
17.Rapsodie espagnole*:Malaguena
18.Rapsodie espagnole*:Habanera
19.Rapsodie espagnole*:Feria
20.Ma mere l'oye (Mother Goose) (version for orchestra):Pavane de la Belle au bois dormant
21.Ma mere l'oye (Mother Goose) (version for orchestra):Petit Poucet
22.Ma mere l'oye (Mother Goose) (version for orchestra):Laideronette, Imperatrice des Pagodes
23.Ma mere l'oye (Mother Goose) (version for orchestra):Les Entretiens de la Belle et de la Bete
24.Ma mere l'oye (Mother Goose) (version for orchestra):Le Jardin feerique