Come lay your weary head on my chest
Night is drawing near and you need the rest
夜幕即将来临 你需要休息
We’ve been watching these leaves fall off the trees all day
We knew they would go when we saw their colors fade
树叶颜色随季节变换 早知它们终将流逝
But please sleep sound and know there’s nothing to fear now
但请安睡 此刻没有什么值得忧虑
Ah my love, I’m devoted to you all year round,
啊我的爱人 我只专注你一人 在每个日日夜夜
365天 365个昼夜 365个日日夜夜
You’re smiling in your sleep, must be a dream
你睡时正在笑 肯定是好梦吧
Of endless fields of flowers, bright as can be
梦里花海一望无际 鲜亮无比
But when it turns cold there’s not a rose to be seen
而天气转冷后 一朵玫瑰也寻不见
They’re all so temporary but not me
它们生命如此短暂 而我的爱并不如此
So please sleep sound and know there’s nothing to fear now
安睡吧 此刻没有什么值得忧虑
Ah my love, I’m devoted to you all year round
啊我的爱人 我只专注你一人 在每个日日夜夜
365天 365个昼夜 365个日夜流转 365个日日夜夜
But please sleep sound and know there’s nothing to fear now
但请安睡 此刻没有什么值得忧虑
Ah my love, I’m devoted to you all year
啊我的爱人 我只专注你一人 在每个日日夜夜
1.We Know Not
3.Carry Me
4.Pie Song