Hey, fella,
What you doin' with that girl over there?
Well, that's a nice girl you got,
She sure looks good.
I bet you're gonna make love with her, huh?
Yeah, that's a nice girl you got,
Well, I bet you are gonna make love with her.
Well, that's a good lookin' girl you got fella!
Hey, haven't I seen her somewhere before?
She sure looks familiar,
I can't . . . uh . . . let me see, uh . . .
That's a nice girl!
Wait, that . . . that's my girl you got!
You can't have my girl!
That's my girl!
Nobody can have my girl, she's my girl!
Aw, you quit that! No!
1.Boys Are Boys And Girls Are Choice
2.Monk Time
4.Shut Up
6.I Hate You
7.Oh, How To Do Now
8.We Do Wie Du
9.Drunken Maria
10.Love Came Tumblin' Down
11.Blast Off!
12.That's My Girl