Ride Me Like a Wave

Ride Me Like A Wave -Janis Ian
Hide me in your hollows
Taste the salt that clings to me
Shipwrecked in your shadows
Sanctify the sea
Hide me in the wisdom of your thighs
Ride me like a wave
Chart my secret places
Navigate my shores
Map the oceans traces
Lick them from my pores
Drown me in delusion and desire
Ride me like a wave
Cover me in spray
Promise you will stay
I remember mornings waking by your side
Your scent on the pillow
Fever in your eyes
Cast upon the waters
Shipless i surrender
Lead me to your harbour
Cover me in splendor
Drown me in delusion and desire
Ride me like a wave
Cover me in spray
Other seas will call you
Farther shores will shine
Tempt you with their treasures
Bordering to mine
Still the safest harbor will be mine
Ride me like a wave
Ride me like a wave
1.All Roads to the River
2.Ride Me Like a Wave
3.What About the Love
4.Breaking Silence
6.Guess You Had to Be There
7.His Hands
8.Walking on Sacred Ground
9.This Train Still Runs
10.Through The Years
11.Some People's Lives
12.This House