Look at you shining like a diamond in a velvet blouse
凝望着藏在天鹅绒衬衫里的你 钻石般光彩夺目
噢 凝望着你 当我看向你时
oh look at you, when i looked at you
你是为何陨落人间 真令人费解
It?s a wonder why heaven ever gave you up
独一无二 无可比拟
all i want to do is look at you
凝望你时 我对于所有经历过的美丽痛苦都绝口不提
You are the woman that I waited for
看着我 一个被炽热的心支配着的男人
你愿意看看我吗 我一人茕茕孑立
the only one I see
宛若一只鼓 充斥着纯粹的欲望
I could live a million years or more
and not explain this beautiful pain i go through when i look at you
亲吻你 直到时间尽头
也许在那之后呢 是啊 从那以后
Look at me, a man at the mercy of a heart on fire
Would you look at me? helplessly
噢 就只是凝望着你
stunning like a drum full of pure desire
独一无二 无可比拟
Cant you see? how desperately
凝望你时 对于所有经历过的美丽痛苦我都可以绝口不提
I want to take you in there arms of mine
就是看着你 仅此而已
and never let you go
taste your kiss till the end of time
maybe after then, yeah after then
i will be happy too
Oh just look at you
You are the woman that i waited for
the only one i see
I could live a million years or more
and not explain this beautiful pain i go through when i look at you
Just looking at you
that is all i want to do
it?s look at you
1.When You Love Someone
2.You Had to Be There
3.It's Gonna Be Easy Now
4.You Can't Make Old Friends (Duet with Dolly Parton)
5.All I Need Is One
6.Look at You
7.Turn This World Around
8.Dreams of the San Joaquin
10.Neon Horses
11.Don't Leave Me in the Night Time (feat. Buckwheat Zydeco)