End of the Line

End of the Line
negative-end of the line
negative-end of the line 消极乐队-故事的结局/传说的终结
浮生未歇(TX@fromzhou ;sina@普朗凯特)收集,翻译。
You ’ve been walking along the edge(你从未现身)
So it ’s been said (所以只是传说)
And you feel so out of place (你觉得你不属于这里)
It ’s in your head (这是你的感受)
It ’s the end of the line (这是结局)
It ’s the end of the line (这是结局)
I ’m taking my time (我不再急躁)
I ’ve swallowed my pride (我不再骄傲)
If she ever comes back to me (如果她可以回到我身旁)
Hello my goodbye (你好,我昨日的恋人)
I ’m taking what ’s mine (我胡思乱想)
So I ’m starving the memories (我只能不停的追忆)
It ’s the end of the line (这是结局)
Only one stays behind (只剩下了这回忆)
You ’ve been hanging so long in despair (你已在绝望中窒息/回忆让你绝望窒息)
It shows on your face (全是你的面孔)
Even time couldn ’t heal what was there (即使时间也无法治愈)
It can ’t be erased (无法消除)
It ’s the end of the line (这是结局)
It ’s the end of the line (这是结局)
I ’m taking my time (我不再急躁)
I ’ve swallowed my pride (我不再骄傲)
If she ever comes back to me (如果她可以回到我身旁)
Hello my goodbye (你好,我昨日的恋人)
I ’m taking what ’s mine (我胡思乱想)
So I ’m starving the memories (我只能不停的追忆)
It ’s the end of the line (这是结局)
Only one stays behind (只剩下了这回忆)
It ’s the end of the line (这是结局)
It ’s the end of the line (这是结局)
It ’s the end of the line (这是结局)
It ’s the end of the line (这是结局)
I ’m taking my time (我不再急躁)
I ’ve swallowed my pride (我不再骄傲)
If she ever comes back to me (如果她可以回到我身旁)
Hello my goodbye (你好,我昨日的恋人)
I ’m taking what ’s mine (我胡思乱想)
So I ’m starving the memories (我只能不停的追忆)
It ’s the end of the line (这是结局)
I ’m taking my time (我不再急躁)
I ’m taking my time (我不再急躁)
It's not just spit it all out of me (它不仅是我吐露的心声)
It ’s the end of the line (这是结局)
It ’s the end of the line (这是结局)
MV 里描述的是美人鱼的故事,蛮喜欢的,个人即兴翻译,有不工整的地方请见谅。
1.No One Can Save Me Tonight
3.Days I'm Living For
4.End of the Line
5.****ing Worthless
6.Jealous Sky
7.Kiss of Hope
8.Since You've Been Gone
9.Neon Rain
10.Blood on Blood
11.Love That I Lost
12.Celestial Summer