You're going to murder
in the name of God
What kind of God you dreaming of
A God of blood not love
So you can get your 72
Virgins to abuse
I hope they kick like mules
My God's bigger than your God
He made the world run out of puff
More important things to do
It's black
It's white
A fight
An elephant grey
There's a universe at stake
We get in the way
Go left
Go right
Straight on
Just do what they say
There's a universe at stake
We get in the way
It's black
It's white
A fight
An elephant grey
There's a universe at stake
We get in the way
Go left
Go right
Straight on
Just do what they say
There's a universe at stake
We get in the way
2.En Sten Vid En Sjö I En Skog
3.Tuffa Tider (För En Drömmare)
5.Ordinärt Mirakel
6.Ta Mej... Nu Är Jag Din!
7.Jag Borde Förstås Vetat Bättre
8.Du Måste Skämta
9.Nere På Gatan
10.Ande I En Flaska (Gabba Gabba Gabba Come On Come On Karma Karma)
11.Varje Gång Det Regnar
12.Hjärta Utan Hem
14.Har du nånsin sett en dröm gå förbi?