Naru's Origins II - A Friendship Formed

1.Trailer - Definitive Edition
2.Main Theme - Definitive Edition
3.Trailer - Launch Trailer
4.Naru's Origins I - Her Home
5.Through the Darkness
6.Naru's Origins II - A Friendship Formed
7.Dash Through Their Home
8.Naru's Origins III - A Broken Bond
9.A Closer Understanding of the Past
10.Trailer - E3 2014 Announcement
11.Swallows Nest
12.Climbing Further Up the Ginso Tree
13.Confronting the Ram
14.The Mists Cleared
15.Hiding from Kuro
16.Arrival at the Sunstone
17.Travelling Through Horu Fields
18.Mount Horu Puzzle Rooms - Suite 2
19.Mount Horu Puzzle Rooms - Suite 1
20.Returning to the Spirit Tree
21.Title Screen (unused)
22.Opening Scenes (unused)
23.Launch Trailer (unused) - 60 seconds
24.Forward Momentum (unused)
25.Facing the Dark (alternate)
26.Fleeing Kuro (alternate)
27.Title Screen (prototype)
28.The Garden (prototype)
29.Rolling Through the Forest (prototype)