Wayfaring Stranger - Titane Soundtrack
[au: Jim Williams]
I'm just a poor wayfaring stranger
Traveling through this world of woe
[演唱: Lisa Abbott 作曲: Jim Williams]
Ain't no sickness, toil, nor danger
我不过一介 落魄浪人
In that bright land to which I go
漂泊于此间 悲苦尘世
I'm goin' there to see my father
我心之所向 光之应许
Said he'd meet me when I come
无疾亦无苦 亦无险恶
I'm only goin' over Jordan
我要去往那 去见我父亲
I'm only goin' over home
他说别离开 这是你的家
I know dark clouds gonna gather 'round me
我只想跨过 千尺的鸿沟
I know my way'll be rough and steep
我只想前往 美好的家园
Yet beautiful fields lie just before me
我深知前方 乌云汇集
Where God's redeemed their vigils keep
我深知此路 险阻崎岖
I'm goin' there to meet my mother
我亦知前方 是美好圣地
I'm goin' there no more to roam
那里有救赎 有神之庇护
I'm only goin' over Jordan
我要去往那 去见我母亲
I'm only goin' over home
独寄于此间 何处不他乡
I'll soon be free from every trial
我只想跨过 万里的鸿沟
This form shall rest beneath the sun
我只想前往 神圣的家园
I'll drop this cross of self-denial
我要破除 此世观念审判
And and enter in that home with God
愿我肉躯 分解于阳光下
I'm goin' home to meet my Savior
我要唾弃 此世秩序束缚
I'm goin' home no more to roam
并重生于 我神圣的家中
I'm just goin' over Jordan
我将归家 去见救世恩主
I'm just goin' over home
我将归家 不再漂泊流浪
1.Wayfaring Stranger
2.End Credits
4.Gym to Car
5.Fan in Car Kill
6.Car ****
7.Beach Puke
8.House Burning
9.Justine Kills Scrape
11.Bathroom Pieta
13.Belly Oil
14.Forest Fire
15.Ending from Bedroom
16.Ending from Kiss
18.God and Drug