Suddenly you are here
Suddenly it starts
Can two anxious hearts
Beat as one.
Yesterday I was alone
Today you are beside me
Something still unclear
Something not yet here
Has begun.
Suddenly the world
Seems a different place
Somehow full of grace
Full of light.
How was I to know
That so much hope
Was held inside me?
What is past is gone
Now we journey on
Through the night.
How was I to know at last
That happiness can come so fast?
Trusting me the way you do
I'm so afraid of failing you
Just a child who cannot know
That danger follows where I go
There are shadows everywhere
And memories I cannot share
Nevermore alone
Nevermore apart
You have warmed my heart
Like the sun.
You have brought the gift of life
And love so long denied me.
Suddenly I see
What I could not see
Something suddenly
Has begun.
1.On My Own
2.I Dreamed A Dream
3.Master Of The House
4.Bring Him Home
5.Look Down
6.Valjean's Soliloquy
7.In My Life / A Heart Full Of Love
8.Empty Chairs At Empty Tables
9.Castle On A Cloud
12.At The End Of The Day
13.The Final Battle
14.Javert's Suicide
15.The Confrontation
16.ABC Café / Red & Black
17.The Bishop
18.One Day More
19.Drink With Me