On Lexington & 52nd Street(From the Television Series)

Hurry, hurry, step right up,
See the star who lives for the spotlight.
Turn the mics and cameras on,
Or she feels incomplete...
Now before it hits the screen,
Watch us play the final scene
Right here
On Lexington and 52nd street.
Hurry all you faceless men,
And catch the end of a match of the century.
You're just in time for the final round,
'Cause I know when I'm beat.
See the girl who's become a joke—
See the man whose heart she broke,
Right here
On Lexington and 52nd street.
From Hollywood to Nyagara Falls,
In barber shops and ballroom walls,
The things I thought were only mine
Are up for grabs so get in line.
Hurry, hurry, take a peak,
The traffic stops
For the queen of the movies.
The center fold—
Live in the flesh!
So get a ringside seat.
You wanna see what her husband sees,
Just wait for the next subway breeze—
Right here,
On Lexington and 52nd street.
Joe! Joe!
Where's Joe?
Hurry, hurry, going fast,
Watch the fool as he heads for the exit.
This is what she has to have—
He cannot compete.
See the girl who's ten feet high.
See the man who's learned to cry—
Right here...
On Lexington and 52nd
1.On Lexington & 52nd Street(From the Television Series)