I try to be cooler for you
I try to be beautiful for you
I try to be somebody else but
我试着活成别人的样子 但
You let me see that I'm perfect for you
I'm sick in bed with no makeup on and you still think I'm pretty
我没化妆 卧病在床 你仍旧觉得我像天使一般
I steal your covers and you still let me even though it's chilly
我偷偷拽走你的被子 即使你冷的瑟瑟发抖 但还由我任性
I **** up all the time so I don't know why you're still so good to me
我总是把事情搞得一团糟 但我不明白你为何还把我捧在手心
I guess that's love
That's love, that's love
这就是爱 深沉的爱
That's love, that's love
这就是爱 无言的爱
I try to keep secrets from you
I try to be angry at you, uh
I try to seem fine by myself but
我尝试着一个人生活且看着轻松自在 但
You let me see that I'm better with you (better with you)
你让我明白 和你在一起会生活会更好
I scream and shout over stupid things but you still come and kiss me
我为一些愚蠢不堪的小事又哭又闹 但你仍旧拥我入怀 吻我至深
I put out walls and you see right through me even though it ain't easy
我对你筑起高墙 但你还是轻易看穿我的把戏 尽管这很困难
I **** up all the time so I don't know why you're still right next to me
我笨手笨脚 总是捣乱 但你还是对我不离不弃
I guess (I guess) that's love
That's love, that's love
这就是爱 毫不索取的爱
That's love, that's love
这就是爱 无需刻意的爱
That's love, that's love
这就是爱 细腻柔软的爱
That's love, that's love
这就是爱 这是来自你的爱
Love is patient, love is kind
爱是耐心长久 爱是善良温柔
Love is still and so divine
爱是轻柔平静 爱是神圣光洁
Love is patient, love is kind
爱是等待陪伴 爱是宽容无私
Love's divine, yeah
Love is patient, love is kind
爱是容忍包涵 爱是体贴亲切
Love is still and so divine
Love is patient, love is kind
爱是耐心长久 爱是善良温柔
Love's divine
I try to be perfect for you
But now I see
That's love, that's love
这就是爱 毫不索取的爱
That's love, that's love
这就是爱 无需刻意的爱
That's love, that's love
这就是爱 细腻柔软的爱
That's love, that's love
这就是爱 这是来自你的爱
(That's love)
1.that's love