Unspoken witness never reached the eyes of the day
Yet the moon was the one to hear
然而明月无声却见证了这一切 听见了
为了她那些催人泪下的只言片语 她苦苦祈求着原谅
How she prayed forgiveness for each shattered little word she made to weep
而此时仅有明月 斜挂天穹一角
Why these woods still echo, how the whispering tangles on
我爱着死去的你 而此时此地我多么希望得以释去我的重负
Whe the moon was the only one here
而你就是空气 这低语的轻风携来的一丝寒意
How I pray to loose my burden in this place where I loved you dead
你就是我身周的空气 当我感到末路已至时融入的悲伤中的一丝温暖
And you are the air, the cold beneath this whispering wind, carried within
You are the air, the warmth in sorrow I took in when I could feel the end
The air... the air I breath was gift from you