Deep inside the black and winding mazes
I'm running from my ghouls
My own thoughts are replaced by
The hidden faces deep from my soul
Longing to see time rolling by
To ease the thoughts of regret
My bad conscience tears me apart
How will I ever forget?
Dark recollections gnaw my inside
I've tried to run and I've tried to hide
Reaching the barrow of my memories
To lay the final stone upon the grave
Searching inner kingdoms for control
To put the lid of oblivion upon the grave of guilt
As I look into the mirror
I do not see my face
Two lying hollow eyes is staring back
With the look of shame and disgrace
My past is darkening my future
As my present dies
Every morning is a step towards
The edge of my soul's demise
Dark recollections gnaw my inside
I've tried to run and I've tried to hide
Reaching the barrow of my memories
To lay the final stone upon the grave
Searching inner kingdoms for control
To put the lid of oblivion upon the grave of guilt
Yesterday's demon's like a plague to my mind
That never seems to cure
Imprisoning me to what I left behind
Letting my conscience unchain no more
Dark recollections gnaw my inside
I've tried to run and I've tried to hide
Reaching the barrow of my memories
To lay the final stone upon the grave
Searching inner kingdoms for control
To put the lid of oblivion upon the grave of guilt
1.Heresy in Disguise
2.Upon the Grave of Guilt
3.Wings of Serenity
4.A Quest for the Crown
6.Entering Eternity
7.Royal Galley
8.Substitutional World
9.Lord of the Blacksmiths
10.The Past Still Lives On
11.Per Tyrssons Döttrar I Vänge
12.Royal Galley (Acoustic)
13.Wings of Serenity (Acoustic)
14.Mindtraveller (Acoustic)
15.Substitutional World (Demo)
16.Lord of the Blacksmiths (Demo)
17.Mindtraveller (Demo)
18.Entering Eternity (Demo)