And Let the Show Begin

A big flame crossed the sky
Creation's now divine
The astral's law's conducting
A dance of stars
The sunrise came to stay
Command and build our place
We're sons of light and justice
Our dream will start
"All the beginning was a chaos"
-A poetry said-
The golden tale became real
-Now it's clear-
The time is coming for the end to disappear
The planet's ready to begin
In this show I really pray
-for the force of love and might-
The sun is rising to the eternity
In this show will keep the flame
-From the heart of the sun and light-
A new star rise to shine us all
1.And Let the Show Begin
4.Your Majesty Gaia
5.Spirits of Light
7.Here Comes the Life
8.Choice Time
9.Whispers and Pain of Mother Nature
10.Judgement Day