
如果灯下总有人等待,There is always someone waiting in the light,那扇窗被风吹开 一定会有谁探身而来,for the one who will certainly lean out when the window is blown open,我尝不出回忆浓淡,Unable to savor the taste of memories,任凭思绪在车窗上浮现,Just let my thoughts reflect on the train window,下一个出口 也不是终点站,I know the next exit is still not the terminal,忙忙碌碌的人群之间,Among the bustling crowd,我脑海中摇曳着烂漫的色彩,Brilliant colours are swaying,一片一片仍在盛开,and still blooming in fields and plains all over my mind,我知道只要你在 有你在,As long as you are here,只要你在,As long as you are around,那片天就会蓝,The sky will be always blue,没有阴霾覆盖,without haze or shade,只要你在,As long as you are around,总会盛满记忆的片段,I will be always full of fragments of memories,任它融化心中弥散,melting and diffusing in my inner heart,指尖轻捻的悠然,Twiddle a flower,久久回味的甘甜,Recall its sweet,藏在花瓣中慢慢风干,Hide the aftertaste in the petals and leave it dry in the air,忙忙碌碌的人群之间,Among the bustling crowd,我脑海中翻阅着定格的画面,Freeze-frames are leafed through,一页一页从未暗淡,page by page, and never fade in my mind,我知道只要你在 有你在,As long as you are here,只要你在,As long as you are around,那片天就会蓝,The sky will be always blue,没有阴霾覆盖,without haze or shade,只要你在,As long as you are around,总会盛满记忆的片段,I will be always full of fragments of memories,任它融化心中弥散,melting and diffusing in my inner heart,心有不甘的落败,Even my unwillingness to be defeated,小小自满的轻唤,or my proud whisper,细细回看都与你有关,Everything deserving to be looked back is all about you,有你在,As long as you are here,别害怕纷扰的明天,No need to be afraid of the coming noisy days,摸不清脉络的未来,nor the uncertain future,脆弱易碎的平淡,Even the fragile plainness,冥思苦想的答案,or an answer after consideration,星星点点都与你有关,My bits and pieces are all about you,