Little town is wrapped in the dark shadow from a mouse
Elephant is dancing on the top of my palm,tapping it so nicely
Look at this,look at that,fish is crossing the black sun
视线流转 鱼儿掠过黑色的太阳
Hey look here,hey look there,birdie is dreaming in bright sea
快看这儿 雏鸟在光之海中酣睡
走在路上 我轻哼起旧时光里忘却的歌
I am on my way,humming humble song that i forgot a long long time ago
跑去大树摘下浆果 影子是我忠诚的玩伴
She runs and gets us berries from the trees,shadow is mt loyal playmate
走在路上 我轻声哼起旧时光里忘却的歌
I am on my way,humming humble song that i forgot a long long time ago
一直寻找的究竟是何物 我竟无法忆起
What was that thing I have been looking for? No,I don't know, no I can not recall
明明是如此重要的事物 我全然找寻不到
I can't find at all,such a dear thing
这过往时光一隅的事物 为何我如此深爱
Loved it so,but why? Such a precious thing
你能听到我的呼唤吗 “能,我听到了你执着的话语”
Can you hear my call? Yes I listen to you Repeated words,on and on
你在哪儿 我一直在找你 “我在这里,你能听到吗”
Where are you,I have been waiting for you? Yes I am here,so can you hear me?
Mirrored worlds made of bouncing words
Little town is wrapped in the dark shadow from the mouse
亲爱的朋友 等等我 别放弃昔日的梦想
Elephant is dancing on the top of my palm, tapping it so nicely
亲爱的朋友 等等我 别放弃那昔日的梦想
Dear friends, wait for me, don't ever let go of dream
月渡夜空 路上的黑猫或许会告诉我该去向何处
Dear friends, wait for me, don't ever let go of that dream
用你小巧的爪子为我指路 猫儿是我可爱的伙伴
我在路上哼起漫漫来日难忘的歌 除此别无他求
Moon across the sky, black cat on the road May be they telling me where I should go?
一直寻找的究竟是何物 现在我确切了然 我忆起了过往
Show me the way with your little paws Kitty is my little playmate
完全找寻不到 公主的童话
I am on my way humming dear song I won't forget, never ever more
长大后就忘却了吗 这过往的童话
What was the thing I have been looking for? Now I do know, Yes now I recall
你能记起我吗 “我不能” 反转的话语 无止无休
Couldn't find at all, princess fairytale
我知道的 因为我一直在等你 我知道的 我了解你真正的感受
Grew up and forgot? Such a precious tale
Do you remember me? No I can not recall Inverted words, on and on
在我们知晓之前 太阳会再度发光 彩虹会指引方向
Yes I know it I have been waiting for you Yes I know it your real feelings
你伴我一同前行 如此牵起我的手 温柔地向我展现笑容
Mirrored worlds made of mystery words
亲爱的朋友 继续向梦前行 童话不总是令人悲伤
亲爱的朋友 继续向梦前行 我们终将在最后迎来幸福
And before we know sun will shine again Rainbow shows the way
You are walking beside me, so hold my hand Smile at me so nicely
Dear friend,keep on dream! Fairy tales aren't always sad
Dear friend,keep on dream! We will be happy in the end
1.Piece of cake
2.The love-gift of fairy-tale
3.some song i forgot
4.with all of my heart
5.Breakfast at cafe
6.sweet sweet dream
7.Run for the Sun!
8.Afternoon tea
9.King and Queen
10.Crystal palace
11.Never say never
12.I have a dream
13.some song i forgot - carillon carino ver.
14."Don't cry", he said.
15.Bad dream
16.I miss you...
17.some song i forgot - appassionato E.G. ver.
18.Let's pretend
20.some song i forgot - episode I version
21.with all of my heart (short version)
22.A tale begun in other days
23.some song i forgot - brillante pianoforte