Sweetie I don't want your cookies
亲爱的 我不想要你那些备胎男人们
If you're looking for applause, keep lookin'
Your recipe's boring, need a little more spice in my cookin'
你的口味真单调 有必要多加点儿趣味了
Honey you don't want my problems
宝贝儿 你也不想了解我的问题
If you had 'em you would sink to the bottom
如果你是我 你早就崩溃了
You should bring your life jacket
Cause people like you can't handle this, no
我需要你的时候 你在哪儿
Where were you when I needed you?
告诉我 我需要你的时候你在哪儿耍呢
Tell me, where were you when I needed you?
人前笑的和善 背地里却居心不良
Fake ass *******
把你盘子里的食物扫光 却不会帮你刷盘子
When they smile in your face, but behind you it ain't well wishes
说得漂亮 行动却意味不明 还自认为没什么不妥
When they eatin' all the food off your plate and they don't do dishes
When they words and they actions blur and they don't know different
我倒在深渊 你该知道的 可你没去在意
No time for these fake ass *******
声嘶力竭 可你根本听不懂肺腑之言 现在给我听好了
你是可以的 有那么一分钟我还真相信你了
I been down in the trenches, you should know but you don't pay attention
那时拿你当朋友 可你却抛下我溜了
You wouldn't know real talk if it screamed out loud in your face, now listen
我需要你的时候 你在哪儿
You got away with it, I believed you for a hot minute
告诉我 我需要你的时候你在哪儿耍呢
Could've used a friend in the moment but you had to go ghost, leave me lonely
人前笑的和善 背地里却居心不良
Where were you when I needed you?
把你盘子里的食物扫光 却不会帮你刷盘子
Tell me, where were you when I needed you?
说得漂亮 行动却意味不明 还觉得没什么不妥
Fake ass *******
你不是我铁瓷 你也不是我闺蜜
When they smile in your face, but behind you it ain't well wishes
你就像其他虚假的小婊砸一样 看啊
When they eatin' all the food off your plate and they don't do dishes
我一路前行 你一路渐行渐远
When they words and they actions blur and they don't know different
现在你看我厉害了 想回来了
No time for these fake ass *******
假冒伪劣的妖艳贱货们 我特么才懒得鸟你们
You not my BFF, you not my bestie
You a fake ass ***** just like the rest, see
就会动嘴 表里不一
I was all the way down, you was all the way gone
Now you tryna come back cause I'm all the way on
你暴风吸入盘子里的吃的 搞得像吃自助似的
I got both middle fingers all the way up
我说你“真是极好的” 可不是在恭维你
And for fraud broads, I don't give two *****
If I say something, my moves'll back it
You be running your mouth and it don't match your actions
And I ain't throwing shade, I'm just saying
继续 别停 追你的潮流吧
Act like it's a buffet and eat off your own plate
Cause it not a compliment when I say you fab
You just a F-A-B with your fake ass, *****
You can go jump on the bandwagon
You your money and your lame ass friends
Go ahead and jump on the bandwagon
With you fake ass *******
With your ***** ass
With your ***** ass
1.FAB (Pegato Remix)