I'm awake, there's no part to play
醒来 派对已经结束
Drinking Drano, smoking grass, one under the pass
磕着药(Drona 一种下水道疏通剂) 哈着草 躺在道路之下
What we saw in the woods today, repeat 60 cycle delay (hey)
今日林中所见 重复循环六十次
My TV says it's all in your head so shake it out and share your bread
电视告诉我这不过都是幻觉 快摆脱这一切 然后散布你的财富
We're not separate, waste your thoughts and waste your time
我们还没分开 还在浪费你的念想和时间
I live in yours and you in mine
(Swallow the pitch that flows from the Earth)
Soft spot, lightning rod, my paint is peeling
雷电击中我的软肋 我身上的油漆正在剥落
A million suns won't fill you up
If you can't see the wine flowing over your cup
Last thread, dancing dead, one more time with feeling
死者在终点线起舞 我将最后一次满怀激情地
Pass the plate and you sit back down
换掉唱片 而你坐回原处
And go back to your hole in the woods under ground
(Wait, wait, wait a second)
(等等 再等一秒钟)
The clock ticks but you just sit and wish you had someone to wrestle with
时钟滴答作响 你却坐等有人来和你打一架
It's a small tooth touch, it comes around and rings your bell
突如其来的唇齿碰撞 令你灵光一现
Shows you how you thought you felt
Slowly floss your holy molars
Deader than a Donner daughter
死的比"唐纳聚会“上的小女孩还彻底(the Donner Party “唐纳聚会” 美国西部移民史上一起著名食人惨案)
I start the car with my mind
Fired up my fear machine, can't help what they drove into me
为恐惧的机器打着了火 却无法阻止他们撞向我的车轮
(Swallow the pitch that flows from the earth)
Soft spot, lightning rod, my paint is peeling
雷电击中我的软肋 我身上的油漆正在剥落
A million suns won't fill you up
If you can't see the wine flowing over your cup
Last thread, dancing dead, one more time with feeling
死者在终点线起舞 我将最后一次满怀激情地
Pass the plate and you sit back down
换掉唱片 而你坐回原处
And go back to your hole in the woods under ground
Soft spot, lightning rod, my paint is peeling
雷电击中我的软肋 我身上的油漆正在剥落
A million suns won't fill you up
If you can't see the wine flowing over your cup
Last thread, dancing dead, one more time with feeling
死者在终点线起舞 我将最后一次满怀激情地
I pass the plate and I sit back down
换掉唱片 而你坐回原处
And go back to my hole in the woods under ground
1.Same Logic/Teeth
2.Batter Up
4.Can't Get It Out
5.Lit Me Up
8.Could Never Be Heaven
9.Out of Mana
10.In the Water
11.No Control