黑色面纱 告诉我何为宇宙 是否真如他们所说
Black veil tell me about the void is it like they say
啊 难道是我有些过火
Oh no no oh no did I go too far
即将开始的下一局 就让他去赢
Another game better let him win I know that
I’d rather break in bear that in my mind
黑色面纱 告诉我何为雨水 是否真如他们所说
Black veil tell me about the rain is it like they say
啊 听说它会从天而降
Oh no no oh no is that what he saw
不 这只不过是妄言
I heard that water used to drop from above
Oh no it’s made up can’t see what’s in it for me
就让我信以为真 其他就随它去
Just make it real to me and the rest is history
Another day comes and goes in vain
期待 欺骗
Hoping as we go cheating as we walk
如此这般 冥冥之中早有安排
Maybe this is all programed
事到如今 渗不透这爱的奥妙
So far I cannot get the system of this love right
黑色面纱 告诉我何为宇宙 是否真如他们所说
Black veil tell me about the void is it like they say
啊 难道是我有些过火
Oh no no oh no did I go too far
即将开始的下一局 就让他去赢
Another game better let him win I know that
习惯就好 将此铭记于心
I’d rather break in bear that in my mind
黑色面纱 告诉我何为雨水 是否真如他们说所
Black veil tell me about the rain is it like they say
啊 听说它会从天而降
Oh no no oh no is that what he saw
不 这只不过是妄言
I heard that water used to drop from above
Oh no it’s made up can’t see what’s in it for me