I walk to your house then back to mine
走向你家 却又折返
Sky a blue-black, it is four forty-five
现在是四点四十五 天空蓝黑
In the morning I miss you, but I don't know why
不知为何 早上就心系于你
I don't think that I love you, I just hate goodbyes
不觉爱你 只是厌烦道别
The winter we met you'd just dropped out of school
Heart like a Mustang ran out of fuel
因母亲逃避 你住在外婆家
Slept at your grandma's cause your mother flew
沾着墨西哥的土 弥漫着教堂和香水的气味
Off on Mexican mud, smelled of church and perfume
去往你家 又折返
现在是四点四十五 天空昏暗
I walk to your house then back to mine
不知为何 早上就心系于你
Sky a blue-black, it is four forty-five
不觉爱你 只是厌烦道别
In the morning I miss you, but I don't know why
I don't think that I love you, I just hate goodbyes
如若生来有憾 又何须求证
The reverend he warned that we're all born to lose
读了本好书后 我想你会一样困惑
If we start out defective what is there to prove
去往你家 又折返
Miss your ten dollar mouth and your ignorant shoes
现在四点四十五 天空阴暗
If you read the good book I think you are confused
不知为何 早上就心系于你
不觉爱你 只是厌烦道别
I walk to your house then back to mine
Sky a blue-black, it is four forty-five
In the morning I miss you, but I don't know why
I don't think that I love you, I just hate goodbyes
去往你家 又折返
Sun's comin' up as it usually does
现在是四点四十五 天空阴沉
Sins of the evening swept under the rug
早上就心系于你 不知为何
Minneapolis cold in a Portland tow truck
我想 我并非爱上了你
I would laugh at myself but who am I to judge
只是讨厌这 又一次的告别
I walk to your house then back to mine
Sky a blue-black, it is four forty-five
In the morning I miss you, but I don't know why
I don't think that I love you, I just hate goodbyes
I don't think that I love you, I just hate goodbyes
1.Minneapolis Cold