Piece of Your Heart

Been lonely but watch me sparkle through my sad
曾经孤独 但看我透过悲伤闪闪发光
I'm only a few phone calls away
不过几个电话 我便是你的
You've been my only since we last broke up
斯人已去 才觉所谓唯一是你
Don't think you owe me
My lips are longing for yours still
My heart is yearning for a thrill
Another day, another drill
新的一天 似另一场演习
My love is waiting on you still
我的爱原封不动 待你取走
So will you let me in?
只是还想问问 我能否爱你
Don't need no peace of mind if I got a piece of your heart
若是能得到哪怕是一小块你的心 还要什么理智与宁静
So would you be so kind and give me a piece of your heart?
你是否愿施舍与我 一小块你的心
Don't leave me in the dark, I'd tear myself apart
只是别把光芒驱散 我怕在黑暗中自生自灭
Just to have a piece of your heart
人生痛苦 漫无目的 但你的心之碎片使它不是那么糟
Ooh now the restlessness in me is only growing
I need to find a space for my belonging
Can't seem to climb but at least I'm not falling
似乎没在变好 但至少未曾堕落 沦陷
My lips are longing for yours still
My heart is yearning for a thrill
Another day, another drill
My love is waiting on you still
So will you let me in?
Don't need no peace of mind if I got a piece of your heart
你的一瓣心 让所有平淡是真 要安于现状的话语黯然失色啊
So would you be so kind and give me a piece of your heart?
你是否愿施舍与我 一小块你的心
Don't leave me in the dark, I'd tear myself apart
只是别把光芒驱散 我怕在黑暗中自生自灭
Just to have a piece of your heart
一瓣你的心 抵得过全部诱惑
Why won't you let me in? 'Cause I
为何我不能爱你 可我 我已经
I've toughened up my skin
外表坚硬 抗拒他人
Don't leave me (Ooh ah)
不要再留我一人 拜托了
I'd tear myself apart
Just to have a piece of your heart
只是 你的心救我于水火之中
1.Piece of Your Heart