I was born in dixie in a boomer's shack
Just a little shanty by the railroad track
Freight train was it taught me how to cry
The holler of the driver was my lullaby.
I've got the freight train blues (hee, hee, hoo)
我有了这首货运列车的蓝调(嘿 嘿 呼)
Oh, lawdy mama got em on the bottom of my ramblin' shoes
噢 上帝 妈妈却把它们塞进我四处流浪的鞋里
And when the whistle blows, i gotta go
当汽笛一声长鸣 我得走啦
Baby don't you know
宝贝 你不知道吗
It looks like i'm never gonna lose
The freight train blues
好吧 我的爸爸是个锅炉工 我的妈妈听说
Well, my daddy was a fireman and my mama hear
She was the only daughter of the engineer
我的甜心爱上了制动员 这可不是开玩笑
My sweetheart loved the brakeman and that ain't no joke
真是羞耻啊 她这样会让另一个爱她的好男人伤心欲绝
Its a shame the way she keeps a good man broke
我有了这首货运列车的蓝调(嘿 嘿 呼)
I got the freight train blues (hee, hee, hoo)
噢 上帝 妈妈却把它们塞进我四处流浪的鞋里
Oh, lawdy i got em in the bottom of my ramblin' shoes
当汽笛一声长鸣 我得走啦
And when the whistle blows, i gotta go
噢 妈妈 你不知道吗
Oh mama don't you know
好吧 看上去好像我从未失去
Well it looks like i'm never gonna lose
The freight train blues.
好吧 唯一能逗你反复发笑的玩意
Well, the only thing that makes you laugh again
Is a south bound whistle on a south bound train
Every place i want to go
我根本去不了 因为你知道
I never can go because you know
因为我有了这首货运列车的蓝调(嘿 嘿 呼)
Because i got the freight train blues (hee, hee, hoo)
噢 上帝 妈妈却把它们塞进我四处流浪的鞋里
Oh, lawdy mama, got em on the bottom of my ramblin' shoes
1.In My Time Of Dyin'
2.Highway 51
3.Man Of Constant Sorrow
4.You're No Good
5.House Of The Risin' Sun
6.Gospel Plow
7.Baby, Let Me Follow You Down
8.Pretty Peggy-O
9.See That My Grave Is Kept Clean
10.Fixin' To Die
11.Talkin' New York
12.Freight Train Blues
13.Song To Woody