制作人 : Freedo/Red Triangle
我想攀登高峰 我想潜入深渊
I wanna climb, I wanna dive into the deep end
我想奔跑 我想翱翔 但都想要你陪着
I wanna run, I wanna fly but doing it with you
找到真爱 像建造一座大教堂将它搭建起来
Finding the love, building it up like a cathedral
I wanna see the rest of the world the same way that you do
I wanna be the home that you leave and you return to
I wanna stay here in your arms as long as I can do
The silver hair and golden years
看似遥远 却近在眼前
That seem so far until they're near
There's so much left to do down here, I know
所有人想要的只是更多的时间 更多的生命 更多的治愈
All anyone wants is just more time, more life, more healing
更多的爱 更多的我们 更多的幸福
More love, more us, more feeling Yeah
我只是需要 我仅是需要
Oh, I just need, I'm just needing
更多的你 更多的夜晚 更多的梦
More you, more nights, more dreaming
These days go past so fast and I
我只是需要 我只是需要更多
Oh, I just need, I'm just needing more
我只是需要 我只是需要
(More) Oh, l just need, I'm just needing
我只是需要 我只是需要
(More) Oh, I just need, I'm just needing
是的 我只是需要 我只是需要更多
(More) Yeah, l just need, I'm just needing more
I want you to see the sun coming up over the pyramids
I wanna give you everything that you ever wanted
但我只是需要 但我只是需要更多的时间
Oh, but l just need, I just need more time
The silver hair and golden years
看似遥远 却近在眼前
That seem so far until they're near
There's so much left to do down here, I know
所有人想要的只是更多的时间 更多的生命 更多的治愈
All anyone wants is just more time, more life, more healing
更多的爱 更多的我们 更多的幸福
More love, more us, more feeling Yeah
我只是需要 我仅是需要
Oh, I just need, I'm just needing
更多的你 更多的夜晚 更多的梦
More you, more nights, more dreaming
These days go past so fast and I
我只是需要 我只是需要更多
Oh, I just need, I'm just needing more
我只是需要 我只是需要
(More) Oh, I just need, I'm just needing
我只是需要 我只是需要
(More) Oh, I just need, I'm just needing
是的 我只是需要 我只是需要更多
(More) Yeah, I just need, I'm just needing more
我只是需要 我只是需要
(More) Oh, I just need, I'm just needing
我只是需要 我只是需要
(More) Oh, I just need, I'm just needing
我只是需要 我只是需要更多
(More) Yeah, I just need, I'm just needing more
There's not enough time in my life
对你我来说 时间不够了
For you and l, there's not enough time
Whoa, there's not enough time in my life
对你我来说 时间不够了
For you and l, there's not enough time
Oh-yeah yeah
电吉他 : Rick Parkhouse
弦乐 : Anna Phoebe
贝斯 : Freedo/Rick Parkhouse
鼓 : George Tizzard
混音师 : Dan Grech-Marguerat
小提琴 : Eos Counsell
木吉他 : George Tizzard
弦乐编写 : Anna Phoebe
鼓编程 : Freedo
附加制作 : Dan Grech-Marguerat
母带工程师 : Randy Merrill
人声 : Sam Ryder