I Mean It This Time

I Mean It This Time -Game Theory
Jody were you always sure things had gone as they should go
Does the world come on with a handshake and hello
I don't lose a lot of sleep and I'm not sure what this means
But at some point I stopped remembering last night's dreams
And there's a lot to throw away
As in soviet russia failing to watch the things you say
Give me all the gin I need cause I may not feel this strong
When I phone my parents and tell them they've been wrong
Please don't ask what will I do
I can't live it this way jody I think I'm not like you
I've seen enough to find no news to change my mind
And I'll drop out I mean it this time
Am I standing on my rights to demand to be so free
Is it common knowledge the joke will be on me
Cars won't stop for me I know when the light for them is green
They'll ask questions later about what light I thought I'd seen
Is it right to feel so used
I once planned ahead longer than when the rent was due
I've seen enough to find no news to change my mind
And I'll drop out I mean it this time
2.I Mean It This Time
3.If and When It Falls Apart
4.Rayon Drive
5.Here Comes Everybody
6.Curse of the Frontierland
7.Friend of the Family
8.I Want to Hold Your Hand
9.You Can't Have Me
10.Real Nighttime
11.Any Other Hand
12.She'll Be a Verb
13.I Turned Her Away
14.Waltz the Halls Always
15.Couldn't I Just Tell You