I'm waiting In my cold cell
When the bell begins to chime
Reflecting on my past life and it doesn't have much time
因为到了五点 他们会将我带上绞架
'Cause at five o'clock they take me to the gallows pole
The sands of time for me are running low
Running low
When the priest come's to read me the last rites
I take look through the bars at the last sights
Of a world that has gone very wrong for me
来人告诉我 我身处梦境 惊声尖叫难以抑制
Can it be that there's some sort of error
我尝试倾诉 却无法言说
Hard to stop the surmounting terror
为何我会痛哭流涕 毕竟我不惧怕死亡
Is it really the end not some crazy dream
Somebody please tell me that I'm dreaming it's not easy to stop from screaming
上帝与你同在 牢笼里的一个声音传来
But words escape me when I try to speak
若真有上帝 怎会放任我如此死去
Tears they flow but why am I crying after all I'm not afraid of dying
行走途中 一生飘然而过
Don't believe that there never is an end
结局临近 我却并无憾意
捕捉我的灵魂吧 因为它只愿高飞
As the guards march me out of the courtyard
铭记我的话语 相信我的灵魂永生
Someone calls from a cell:"God be with you"
If there's an god why has he let me die!
我已飞越 去寻找真相
As I walk through the drifts before me
And though the end is near I''m not sorry
也许你也会开始明白 生命的终结只是一个奇异的幻觉
Catch my soul 'cause it's willing fly away
Mark my words believe my soul lives on
Please don't worry now that I have gone
I've gone beyond to seek the truth
When you know that your time is at close hand
Maybe then you begin to understand why
1.Hallowed Be Thy Name
2.Sodomy & Lust
3.Carmilla's Masque
4.Beneath The Howling Stars
5.Dance Macabre (Saffron's Curse Remix)
6.For Those Who Died (Return To The Sabbat Remix)
7.Cruelty Brought Thee Orchids
8.The Twisted Nails Of Faith
9.Malice Through The Looking Glass
10.Hell Awaits
11.Dusk And Her Embrace
12.Twisting Further Nails
13.13 Autumns And A Widow
14.Of Dark Blood And ****ing
15.Once Upon Atrocity
16.Dawn Of Eternity
17.Lustmord & Wargasm (The Relicking Of Cadaverous Wounds) (The Relicking Of Cada Verous Wound)
18.Funeral In Carpathia (Be Quick Or Be Dead Version)
19.Lord Abortion