编曲: HYPER SLASH / 超级斩
Why you so mimoor? Call me papa!
Get out!Leave me alone!
How many times I need to tell you
Stop waking me up now I wanna kill you
There is plenty of time for me to snooze
You don't get to judge me how I live my life
So **** you
Maybe one of us?
Did you ever felt like someone's calling you out for a battle?
Have you met someone in your life who motivates you?
Do you care who will win this game?
Come with me
I'm right in front of you
Just follow me tight
Wo o o
Lalala Lalala
You and I are on the same starting line
No need to wait for the sign
Just open your arms
And run until you can fly
(我就站在你后面 一切都刚刚好)
Lalala Lalala
You and I are aways side by side
We ran together but now you can fly
You like a pen that draws a rainbow in the sky
I'm right below you and everything is right
Mimoor is a disease
Cheer up
Or you will be perished
Change yourself
The night is coming your colors are fading
But the sun set lights you up and you're still shining
Your wings are gone but you can't stop dreaming
You have the whole world after you and all you need to do is
Everyone on your mark, get set, and go now
1.Why You So Mimoor