01.Is Love
She stares into the mirror
Youth fading with the sun
The hollows in her face, like wishing wells
Scarlet as a paper-cut and jeweled as the Orion
之前她打扮入时 佩戴珠宝
She'd never worn the jewelery as a girl
She says 'the only thing I've ever found
她说 我发现的唯一一件事
That's greater then it always sounds is love'
一件了不起的事 那就是爱情
She says 'the only thing I've ever found
她说 我发现的唯一一件事
That's greater then it always sounds is love'
一件了不起的事 那就是爱情
He stares into the river
Heart falling to the drift
An argument of cars, moving full steam behind
像个孩子那样赌气 像山谷般忧郁
Blood-shot as a baby, and sulking like a valley
看着倒影里的鱼儿 消磨时间
Fishing in reflections, killing time
她说 我发现的唯一一件事
He says 'the only thing I've ever found
一件了不起的事 那就是爱情
That's greater then it always sounds is love'
她说 我发现的唯一一件事
He says 'the only thing I've ever found
一件了不起的事 那就是爱情
That's greater then it always sounds is love'
浴池里的水凉了 你颤抖着回到床上
It's the bath that's getting cold while you're frozen to your bed
The milk that's going rancid on the table
夜晚倍感恐惧 把照片扔进垃圾桶
The panic in the evening, the photos in the dustbin
The pointless items we forgot to label
她手腕上的香水味 象征着她早早结束的生日
It's the perfume on her wrists that stinks of easy birthdays
The spare keys like asbestos on the side
他脖子上戴着十字架 是为了好运而非炫耀
It's the cross around his neck, for luck and not for honour
Like diamond over knuckle of a newly married bride
她说 我发现的唯一一件事
一件了不起的事 那就是爱情
She says 'the only thing I've ever found
她说 我发现的唯一一件事
That's greater then it always sounds is love'
一件了不起的事 那就是爱情
He says 'the only thing I've ever found
That's greater then it always sounds is love'
她说 我发现的唯一一件事
一件了不起的事 那就是爱情
And I know the only thing I've ever found
她说 我发现的唯一一件事
That's greater then it always sounds is love
一件了不起的事 那就是爱情
And I know the only thing I've ever found
That's greater then it always sounds is love
1.Is Love
3.Bigger Than Us
4.Peace & Quiet
6.Holy Ghost
7.Turn The Bells
8.The Power & The Glory
9.Bad Love
10.Come Down