Written by:Charli XCX/中田ヤスタカ
我无比疯狂 兴奋至极 飘飘欲仙
I'm crazy going crazy feet are lifting off the ground
我无比疯狂 天旋地转 忘乎所以
我无比疯狂 兴奋至极 飘飘欲仙
I'm crazy going crazy head is spinning in the clouds
我无比疯狂 天旋地转 忘乎所以
I'm crazy going crazy feet are lifting off the ground
你如耀日 我似明月
I'm crazy going crazy head is spinning in the clouds
紧密相随 如胶似漆
You're the sun and I'm the moon
你我性格各异 正好相得益彰
Sticking as one like glue
当你在我身边 我们一起陷入疯狂
You're in pink and I'm in blue
When you're around go crazy with you
Tattoo your name all over the room
当你在我身边 我们一起陷入疯狂
You make me feel brand new
起起落落 四处周旋
Tears I cry for you
兴奋至极 飘飘欲仙
When you're around go crazy with you
Up down and running round
天旋地转 忘乎所以
I'm going crazy with you
Feet lifting off the ground
我们无比疯狂 你和我无比疯狂
I'm going crazy with you
起起落落 四处周旋
Head spinning in the clouds
I'm going crazy with you
兴奋至极 飘飘欲仙
We're crazy going crazy crazy crazy me and you
天旋地转 忘乎所以
Up down and running round
I'm going crazy with you
我们无比疯狂 你和我无比疯狂
Feet lifting off the ground
我无比疯狂 兴奋至极 飘飘欲仙
I'm going crazy with you
我无比疯狂 天旋地转 忘乎所以
Head spinning in the clouds
我无比疯狂 兴奋至极 飘飘欲仙
I'm going crazy with you
我无比疯狂 天旋地转 忘乎所以
We're crazy going crazy crazy crazy me and you
你就是我的唯一 毋庸置疑
I'm crazy going crazy feet are lifting off the ground
I'm crazy going crazy head is spinning in the clouds
慢慢靠近 不用急
I'm crazy going crazy feet are lifting off the ground
当你在我身边 我们一起陷入疯狂
I'm crazy going crazy head is spinning in the clouds
让我陷入疯狂之中 千真万确
You're the one it's true
我们激情无限 嗨翻全场
You make my heart go boom
Moving close on zoom
当你在我身边 我们一起陷入疯狂
When you're around go crazy with you
起起落落 四处周旋
Driving me wild it's true
Dynamite blows off the roof
兴奋至极 飘飘欲仙
Tears I cry for you
天旋地转 忘乎所以
When you're around go crazy with you
Up down and running round
我们无比疯狂 你和我无比疯狂
I'm going crazy with you
起起落落 四处周旋
Feet lifting off the ground
I'm going crazy with you
兴奋至极 飘飘欲仙
Head spinning in the clouds
I'm going crazy with you
天旋地转 忘乎所以
We're crazy going crazy crazy crazy me and you
我们无比疯狂 你和我无比疯狂
Up down and running round
I'm going crazy with you
Feet lifting off the ground
I'm going crazy with you
Head spinning in the clouds
I'm going crazy with you
起起落落 四处周旋
We're crazy going crazy crazy crazy me and you
兴奋至极 飘飘欲仙
Oh wo ohhhh
天旋地转 忘乎所以
Oh wo ohhhh
我们无比疯狂 你和我无比疯狂
Crazy crazy me and you
起起落落 四处周旋
Oh wo ohhhh
兴奋至极 飘飘欲仙
Crazy crazy me and you
天旋地转 忘乎所以
Up down and running round
I'm going crazy with you
我们无比疯狂 你和我无比疯狂
Feet lifting off the ground
我无比疯狂 兴奋至极 飘飘欲仙
I'm going crazy with you
我无比疯狂 天旋地转 忘乎所以
Head spinning in the clouds
我无比疯狂 兴奋至极 飘飘欲仙
I'm going crazy with you
我无比疯狂 天旋地转 忘乎所以
We're crazy going crazy crazy crazy me and you
Up down and running round
I'm going crazy with you
Feet lifting off the ground
I'm going crazy with you
Head spinning in the clouds
I'm going crazy with you
We're crazy going crazy crazy crazy me and you
I'm crazy going crazy feet are lifting off the ground
I'm crazy going crazy head is spinning in the clouds
I'm crazy going crazy feet are lifting off the ground
I'm crazy going crazy head is spinning in the clouds